The personal memory of John Edwards:
During the summer vacation of 1948, while I was a student at the
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, I was employed at the Llanelli Goods
When open trucks arrived, mainly loaded with coal destined for delivery to
various local industrial concerns, they were covered by tarpaulin sheets to protect the
contents from the rain. These trucks never actually entered the Goods Shed itself but
were sorted and sent directly to the various industrial concerns. Once the coal / goods
had been unloaded the tarpaulin sheets were discarded and thrown to the floor in a
heap. It was my job to take a small hand-cart around the industrial concerns to
retrieve the sheets, fold them tidily, put them in the cart and return them to the Goods
Coal destined for the retail coal merchants of the district was deposited in a
large heap in the Goods Yard, sidings 8 and 9 close to Langland Road. It was
collected by the different merchants, weighed into one-hundred weight hessian bags
and loaded on to lorries or horse-drawn carts to be sold from door to door around the